We Celebrate Losar With Noir's Opera Jacket Inspired By The Tibetan Chubas

Happy Losar!

Please meet the first edition of Noir´s opera jackets inspired by the Tibetan Chubas.

Chubas are a unisex garment with roots in Central Asia. Traditional chubas are floor length, left crossing adjusted on the waist, and pulled differently according to sex, region and status.  Chubas are versatile jackets that can hold babies, lambs, baby yaks or food.  Women wear their chuba to the ankle and men pull them up the mid-calf or above the knee. 

Tibetan weather is changeable and temperatures can rise and fall within minutes, this is why the chuba is the perfect in-between seasons statement piece.

The finest chubas are made using traditional fabrics such as mud silk.


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