Dressed to Wear Many Hats

Clothing as Celebration presents Maleza hatmakers, a unique bespoke atelier in Madrid.

1. What is Maleza hatmakers?

A hatmakers studio that explores shapes, textures and colors. In our workshop in Madrid (appointment only) full of century-old tools we create limited editions, bespoke, and one-of-a-kind genderless hats in felt and vegetable fibers. We are known for the use of upcycled felt and dead stock to create part of our collections.

2. Who is behind Maleza?

Behind MALEZA is Javier Reta Gallego and Myrte Sara Huyts. Coming from different countries - Spain and the Netherlands - and different fields - Fine Arts and Literature – we found each other in our love for old tools, linen bedding and kids’ drawings. Already quite soon after we met we decided to change careers and become hatmakers. Together we built our workshop: a place for playing, designing, and experimenting.

3. North or South?

The South of the North.

4. Why hats?

Several factors came together: the love for hats, the need to create something with our own hands, the desire to do something unhurried, and the curiosity for design, art and storytelling.

5. Wearing many hats?

Quite some! Each hat is hand-formed by us, from start to finish in our workshop, and therefore every Maleza piece bears our fingerprints. We write our own texts and do our own photography and videos for dossiers, website and social media. Also, we’re in charge of administration, marketing and sales. In the future we would like to hire someone to wear some of our hats so that we can spend more time creating them.

6. Please define a Maleza hat?

A hat without frills but with plenty of poetry.

7. Tradition or modernity?

Very primitive and very contemporary.

8. Favorite materials…

(vintage) Felt, hemp, wood and linen.

9. Favorite textures…

Those textures you just want to touch and caress. From the smoothest and softest surface to the most vibrant finishes that add a mysterious reality.

10. Favorite colors?

Worn colors with an abundance of shades.

11. Why Madrid?

Because it’s the city that united us. It’s a sparkling and accessible place to have our workshop.

12. If not Spain? Where?

The Netherlands.

13. Favorite places in Madrid?

Close to our workshop is the wonderful La Neomudéjar, an avant-garde arts center, museum and international artistic residence that is located in the old factory premises of the Atocha railway station. The building itself is as interesting as the expositions.

In Barrio de las Letras, the old writer’s neighborhood, you’ll find Oficio Studio: a stunning workshop where beautiful bags are made with vegetable tanned leather.

14. Something to keep? Something to throw away?

To keep: People who value small things and appreciate details.

To throw away: Companies that want to ride the “artisanal wave” without applying the values of craftsmanship.

15. What is in your hat “bucket list”?
To have our hats in selected stores in cities like Bilbao, Rotterdam, Berlin and Tokyo.
16. A Maleza outfit?
Clothing is our second skin and therefore it should be loose, comfortable, cozy and natural (fabric and dyes). We love slightly wrinkled and hand-dyed outfits.
17. A Maleza meal?
A sandwich with Spanish omelet and roasted peppers (preferably in some bike saddlebags to be able to eat it in the middle of the forest).
18. Books recommended by Maleza?

“Maybe they knew everything” (Toon Tellegen). Short stories about animals. Doubt is one of the laws of the forest.“Will you please be quiet, please?” (Raymond Carver). Minimalist fiction that describes the opposite of the American dream. Hauntingly beautiful, funny in a tragic way.Javi:Self-portrait with radiator (Christian Bobin).Praise to the Earth (Byung-Chul Han).

19. Dreams?
Finding a house with a weeping willow in the garden and a workshop with mountain views.
20. Wine or beer?
21. Your definition of luxury?
Nowadays: truthfulness.
22. What does Maleza celebrate?
Imperfection and impermanence.

In the pictures above you can see ERRE, a limited collection of 24 beanies. Made of vintage felt from 20th century hats. Every hat is entirely different.
The other hats (cordobés and top hat) that we wear is the newest MALEZA project. Hand-dyed pieces of different heights that will be presented in the SACo exhibition during the Madrid Design Festival. 

09/02/23 till 18/02/23. 

Palacio Santa Barbara, c/Hortaleza 87, Madrid.


Mud silk is ANCESTRAL….dating back to the ming dynasty.


“Clothing as Celebration.” Reyes Castellano